In the perspective of Bangladesh, people dream for a good job after their graduation. In most of the cases, it’s true. Their mindset always drive them for seeking a good job as the path of developing their career. But scenario has started to been changed in last couple of years. Now many of them are being confused thinking over Job vs. Business. Some people, especially young people has initiated many successful businesses in last decade. Actually their initiatives have become successful. No one started with a successful one.
Now, if you are being confused about your career path, it’s not the negative thing at all. It indicates that you want to explore your inherent possibilities, and capabilities. Now a day you can easily identify your personality type, and see the analysis developed by the personality traits experts based on your characteristics. Here we are sharing a web link where you can test your personality, but there are much more web tools, you can check with. After knowing your personality traits you can easily understand your strengths and weaknesses.
In this stage, you definitely will be agreed on that, the learning is a continuous process. When you stop learning you will lose your interest. So, convert your weaknesses into strengths. In this regard, you can do jobs, attend training sessions, enroll for different courses in the field of your interest. However, you have to be confident enough to take the decision, and perform the appropriate actions.
Finally, you can decide easily what you should do for your career. Job vs. Business? If you have inherent capabilities of leadership, and you are confident enough to go with a startup, you can choose business as your career path otherwise you can start a job. Whatever you decide to do, do it for your own learning, and development rather than running after money. Do whatever you enjoy, and where you can learn.